A quantitative EEG (QEEG) is a brain map. This is an electrical measurement, analysis, and quantification of one’s brainwaves. Brainwaves are the brain’s verbing, or the action potentials of the brain. We first gather the raw EEG data, and then we process it through a normative database, which is a database of healthy individuals’ brainwaves of the same age and gender as the client. This gives us a comparison of the functionality of the client’s brain relative to that of others. This is the first step in our assessment process.​

The brain mapping process entails placing a cap with 20 electrodes onto the head of the participant and applying saline gel into the electrodes. Then, we use the electrodes to pick up electrical activity generated by the brain, which show up as brainwaves (looks like squiggles across a page).


We then interpret the squiggles in their raw form, as well as run them through many types of digitized filters (i.e. different software), that break them into their respective components and brainwave bandwidths of delta (0-4 Hz), theta (5-8 Hz), alpha (9-12 Hz), low beta (13-16 Hz), mid beta (17-25Hz), hi beta (26-40Hz), and gamma (41-70Hz).

With this data and the use of different databases of hundreds of others’ EEGs, we are able to determine where the individual is different from the norm—for better or for worse. We are able to look not only at the brainwaves, but also the relationship of the brainwaves to one another, the symmetry of the brain, the stability of the brainwave relationships, and the areas where the brain might be generating problematic signals, manifesting in problematic symptoms and behaviors.​

How is it done?

Each full Brain Map consists of the following:

  • Initial intake meeting and EEG collection (2 hour)
  • Written QEEG Report
  • Follow up brain map report review and delivery of results, and treatment recommendations (1 hour).

The QEEG is used to generate a unique and custom data driven protocol. This is a blueprint for training your brain. The report work-up includes the consultation of various cortical and sub-cortical databases and the use of multiple software and brain imagining applications. The final report is approximately 15-30 pages in length, complete with summary page, explanatory pictures, graphics, and terminology that is accessible for the layperson, yet true to scientific form. The composition of the report often entails 3-5 hours of additional research.

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Neurostimulation, when used in conjunction with neurofeedback, enhances the quality and pace of outcomes typically achieved by neurofeedback alone.


Neurofeedback is called many things. It is referred to as EEG biofeedback, neuro-biofeedback, Neurotherapy, and brain wave training.